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Introduction: the Corona Virus Diseases 19 pandemic first appeared in 2019 in Wuhan, China. Currently, Indonesia has experienced a decline in cases and the world community has been required to implement the Covid 19 protocol as a normal daily habit. Activities in all sectors began to be restored, including higher education (student activities). Objective: this research was conducted to find out how the behavior of students during the adaptation period of new habits, the influence of knowledge on Covid-19 prevention behavior and the factors that influence student behavior in preventing Covid-19. Methods: this study uses a cross sectional study approach with a total of 413 respondents, multivariate test using multiple logistic regression predictive model. Result: the results showed that there was a significant relationship between knowledge and the implementation of the Covid-19 prevention protocol in respondents (p = 0.000; = 0.05) with an OR value of 2.362. The most influential factor on the implementation of health protocols is the knowledge previously obtained from various sources (p value = 0.090). Conclusion: health promotion efforts are needed for students who will carry out normal lecture activities so as not to cause a spike in new cases in the education cluster.


Covid-19 Pandemic Prevention Knowledge Behaviour

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Author Biography

Ressa Andriyani Utami, Akademi Keperawatan RS Husada

Ressa Andriyani Utami is a lecturer in Husada Hospital Nursing Academy, Community Departement. She is graduated from the Magister Program, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia in 2016 and Nursing Community Specialist Programme, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia in 2017. She is interested in Community Nursing, Family Nursing and Gerontology Nursing.

How to Cite
Utami, R., & Efkelin, R. (2022). Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Pelaksanaan Protokol Kesehatan pada Mahasiswa di Era Adaptasi baru. Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic, 6(2), 53-61.


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